Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions for you here.

What’s the Blue pill?

The Blue pill is a chemical, called Sildenafil which is used to treat erectile dysfunction. Although the Blue Pill has been around for a fairly short period, Sildenafil has been prescribed and used since 1998.

In early 2018 Sildenafil was made available to the public over the counter without a prescription in any pharmacy if you are 18 or older.

It only works with sexual stimulation and increases the blood flow to the penis to help you get and keep an erection that lasts between 2 and 4 hours.

What’s erectile dysfunction?

Erectile dysfunction (ED), also known as impotence, is the inability to develop or maintain an erection to permit satisfactory sexual activity.

The most common causes of ED are:   • certain prescription medicines   • Neurogenic disorders like diabetes, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease to name a few.   • Malformations of the penis.   • Psychological causes: sexual performance anxiety, stress, and mental disorders   • Aging: It is four times more common in men aged in their 60s than those in their 40s.   • Lifestyle habits, particularly smoking. There are several ways to treat ED. Sildenafil is one of the most common medication used to tread ED.

What’s the refractory period?

The refractory period is the time following orgasm and ejaculation after which is impossible for a man to have another orgasm. This time can be as short as one minute or last for several hours. It all depends on several factors like age. There are certain techniques covered in the Full Sexual Power Program that allow men to reduce drastically their refractory period so they can be ready again for sexual intercourse.

How do I know if the sexual power program works for me?

The program is intended for people of all age, from youngsters to elderly people as long as there is no medical condition. My program has been tested in many people of all sorts and given a really good improvement to their lives. The program is all natural without the need of any pill or “dodgy remedy”. What I am asking from you is constancy and willpower. If you get fed up after only a couple of days you can’t complain the program is not working because it is like going to the doctor: you get the pills that you take only for a couple of days and then stop, the problem is not the cure but you stopping before you achieve any result.

Of course, if you are young enough you have more results and an excellent level of sexual power. If you are among the elderly people you can still have results and improved sexual health but your muscles won’t respond as well as 30 years old ones. But apart from physical training( which includes important exercises for prostate, useful especially on a certain age), you will learn some very important mental tricks and everything that you need to have enhanced sexual life.

What if, for some reason, I’m not happy with the program?

The program has been used by lots of people and given impressive results within 4 weeks but if for some reason you want your money back you will. I won’t even ask you why you are bailing out. The intent of this program is to enhance your sexual power. I think the world would be a better place if everybody put into practice all the content of this special programme.

Why is the program not working for me?

There are a few reasons why you don’t obtain results from this programme

1. You skip parts that you think you don’t need.

2. You don’t complete the whole program because you get fed up or you are impatient

3. You pretend to have impossible results like having an erection when you are drunk, with women you find really unattractive or when you are ill in bed for example.

Why should I get your program instead of solving my problem easily and instantaneously with a pill prescribed by my Doctor or found online?

First of all, don’t trust any website selling dodgy pills or any other method to have erections instantly, how can it be true? Sometimes we have nothing to lose and although we think there’s high probability they are fake we give it a go but unsuccessfully.

I have got a question for you: Do you think that ED pills would solve your problem? It might give you an erection after half an hour (with sexual stimulation) but then what? Do you want to depend on a pill? Do you want to take the risk of having side effects? Want to feel miserable every time you take it because you realise you can’t get an erection unless you take a pill?

We easily fall into thinking that pills can solve all our problems:

Do we have back pain? We get painkillers instead of working with postural exercises to solve our problem once forever, easy to take a pill but you know the pain will come back and you will end up depending on them.

We feel anxious? We take prescription pills instead of working on your problem and try to solve it with specific mental exercises.

Do we want to lose weight? Why bother having a good lifestyle, exercising and eating healthy? Get a pill, it’s easy! Do you think that will solve your problem?

My program gives you the tools to be at your best with enhanced sexual performances without using any pill or any device of any sort. It empowers yourself giving you the abilities you didn’t even think you had.

Why should I get the program instead of going to the doctor?

I am not saying you shouldn’t go to the doctor! Rarely sometimes you need to be seen by your GP because of some hormonal problems or inflammation of your prostate or other specific issues. In this case, the Doctor will help you solve the problem with therapy. In this case, you can follow the program alongside the therapy from your GP so you can have enhanced results. But as I said, most of the time people get frustrated because after being at the doctor they realise there is nothing wrong with them physically but they still have an erection problem. This program is intended for these people who don’t know what to do walking you through all the aspects of your sexual health, giving you tips, advice, exercises and overall knowledge.

What’s the difference between the introduction program and the full program?

The introduction program is free and it gives you an idea of what the full program is going to be like. It is like the free trial at the gym: before you pay for a membership you want to know if the gym satisfies your needs. Some people have results already with the introduction program but they are too lazy to undertake the full program where you will have the best results. Others buy the full program taking it seriously and include it in their everyday life until they finish it.

You promise to give 100% money back. How does it work?

These exercises work on everybody and I know that because I have tested this method on lots of different people successfully. The reason for the 100% money back is simple: You might not trust me because you don’t know me and doubt the program is going to work. By giving you this guarantee you have the peace of mind to buy my product knowing that you could have all your money back if, for some reason, you are not happy with it.

What if you are dishonest and ask for the refund? Well, I have decided to take all the risks so whatever your decision is I will give you your money back, if you want to, whether you think the program doesn’t work for you (I’m sure it will), you’re just curious or you are being dishonest and ask for the full refund.

So you don’t actually risk anything because I am giving you always the way out. Remember though: whatever goes around comes around 🙂

How did you find out about this program?

There is no secret involved in this program. All the techniques I am using have been used by specialists for years. The amazing strong point about this method is that it covers all the aspects of impotence and erection problems. Specialists are limited to their expertise. For example, It’s unlikely that a urologist gives you advice for dieting so he will send you to a dietician. The dietician wouldn’t be able to give you advice on how to control sexual performance anxiety so he will send you to a psychologist, the psychologist doesn’t know anything about how to increase your testosterone levels so he will send you to a personal trainer……

This program, instead, covers all the aspects about your sexuality giving you an affordable and efficient way to solve your problem without going to every single specialist and spending lot of time and money for the consultations.

If this method is so successful why is not on TV and newspapers and nobody is talking about it?

Because remedies that require some sort of effort don’t really appeal to the public. If, instead, there was a magic pill solving all your erection problems everybody would talk about it.

How long does it take to solve all the issues related to my sexual status and regain my full erection?

It all depends on how long you’ve had these problems for. It’s not realistic to solve your problems overnight if you’ve had issues for years. It’s also true that we are not talking about the magic secret that instantly will turn you into superman but a program that needs to be followed slavishly so you will have your results when your body and mind feel ready. It’s entirely up to you really. I am only giving you the tools, so apply them to your mind and to your body and wait positively for the results to come.

From my experience, I can tell you that it would take from a few weeks to three or four months. Everybody is different. If you think it’s a lot of time, think about how long it would take for you to get back into shape if you join the gym. It is the same principle.

Bear in mind that although the program lasts two months and you might have results before that, my advice is to carry on and complete the program to gain the full results and keep them all life long.

If I buy your program will I receive a parcel at home?

Not at all! The program will be sent to you via email every day. In this way you won’t get any embarrassing parcel at home, you don’t pay the delivery fee and there’s no waiting time involved before you get your product.

How many types of relationships are there?

Relationships can be divided by monogamous and nonmonogamous ones, usually called “open relationships”.

One nightstand Not really a relationship as this implies that you have sex with somebody just once and never see him/her again. fuck buddy or Friend with Benefits This is a type of relationship where the two meet only for sex without the involvement of romantic feelings, sexual exclusivity or other expectations. No dates, no cuddling after sex, no spending the night. Long term relationship Maybe the most known type of relationship. This is a standard Boyfriend\girlfriend relationship that is meant to last for a long time although statistically most of them don’t go past the two-three years. Open Long-Term Relationship The two in this type of relationship are committed to each other emotionally. They are in love with each other and with nobody else. However they are allowed to have sex with other people as long as there is no romantic attachment involved. Multiple Long-Term Relationship The two involved in this type or relationship have romantic feelings for each other, they date, spend the night together and cuddle in bed after sex. The relationship is stable, meant to last for a long time. However they can have other long term relationship alongside this one and be in love with somebody else too, including having sex. The term “poliamory” means you have more than one MLTR going on. Monogamous Marriage I don’t think I should explain that. This is the typical husband/wife relationship where the two are legally married. Open Marriage The two are legally married but they are allowed to have sex with whoever they want.

Can a man experience multiple orgasms?

The answer is yes and I don’t understand why people are so skeptical. Maybe because it’s not common among men? But if I told you it’s possible and there are men who experience them on a fairly regular basis would you believe me? There is no secret about it but let me tell you something: obtaining the ability to experience multiple orgasms requires a bit of training and maintenance. There are no easy shortcuts I’m afraid but the results are guaranteed.

I explain everything in the full Sexual power Program and I guide you step by step on how to execute the exercises and maintain the results achieved.

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