Erectile dysfunction?

Solve the problem with the most innovative and powerful method naturally without the Blue Pill.

Welcome to the Sexualpower website where you can finally solve your intimacy issues including erectile dysfunction, loss of sex drive and sexual performance anxiety. You are not alone and we are here to help you.

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ED pills and their False Hopes

Whilst they have been widely prescribed by doctors, from March 27th, 2018, some ED pills have been available to be purchased over the counter from pharmacies in the UK. Unfortunately, taking a chemical every time you have sex is not the ultimate solution to your intimacy issues, putting even your health at risk when misused.

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    “ED pills do not have side effects”

    False! They are medications like others with therapeutic effects but also side effects to consider. Common ones to consider are back pain, migraine, visual disturbances to name a few

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    “ED pills are not addictive”

    False! ED pills can make you psychologically dependent on them because instead of working on yourself you only rely on the pills to have sex.

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    “It will make me last longer in bed”

    False! ED pills don’t change the sensitivity of your penis or affect when you orgasm during sex. Orgasming and getting an erection are 2 different processes within your body.

According to American Journal of Medicine over 18% of men experience erectile dysfunction (ED) annually*

Unless you have a certain medical condition and take particular medicines, it’s not normal for you to struggle to get an erection. So, there must be something not quite right that can’t be spotted by a doctor because, physically, you seem young and healthy. You seem okay.

  • Drug-Free Solution

    Welcome to the SEXUALPOWER website where you can finally solve your intimacy issues including erectile dysfunction, loss of sex drive and sexual performance anxiety. You are not alone and we are here to help you.

  • Daily programme

    Receive daily emails with mental and physical exercises to help you regain and enhance the lost ability to have long-lasting and powerful erections. I will be your personal trainer teaching you exactly what to do and how to do it. You can do these exercises on your own at home. They will take you only 10 minutes a day for a few weeks.

  • Successful Programme for amazing results

    With a 100% success rate, this programme has been developed to help you regain your erections and improve your sexual health. In four weeks you will be able to have strong and long-lasting erections, looking back at your Erectile Dysfunction as a distant memory.

Common Intimacy Issues

No, you are not the only one experiencing intimacy issues. You would be surprised at how common the following intimacy issues are:

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    Loss of sex drive

    This is also known as the loss of libido. What if I tell you that the most important sex organ is the brain?

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    Sexual performance anxiety

    What if I tell you that this issue is one of the most common leading to premature ejaculation?

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    Feeling inadequate

    All sorts of negative thoughts influenced by body image, penis size, or perceptions about manliness will lead you to negative feelings

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  • Full Sexual Power Programme

    Do you want to solve your erectile dysfunction once and for all instead of ignoring an issue like this? Why do you keep taking Blue Pills? Taking chemicals won’t solve the real issue. But we can offer you something that will…


      Embark on our 2 month programme and discover your full sexual power.


      Receive daily emails that will guide you step by step towards your goal.


      Improve your sexual abilities through mental and physical exercises including nutrition and wellbeing.


      Give you and your partner the opportunity to experience the pleasure you deserve.


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